
Teki Akuetteh

Teki Akuetteh

Ghana lead

Teki is a privacy and data protection advocate. Teki is a member of the Ghana Bar Association and the International Bar Association. She is the Founder and Executive Director of the Africa Digital Rights Hub (a not-for-profit think tank that promotes digital rights across Africa), a member of the UN Global Pulse Privacy Advisory Group and a non-resident fellow at the Center for Global Development in Washington DC. She was also appointed the Co-Chair of the Common Thread Network, a network of Commonwealth data protection authorities in July 2017 and was a member of the advisory committee for the 40th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners in 2018. She was a member of the UN Special Rapporteur on Privacy Task Force on Privacy and Medical Data; and sits on several other international bodies.

Rys Farthing

Rys Farthing

Australian lead

Rys is a policy researcher with a focus on children’s rights, especially around technology and disadvantage. She holds a DPhil from the University of Oxford. Rys has held policy roles at civil society orgs including Reset.Tech (Australia & US), 5Rights Foundation (UK), and Fairplay (US). She has also held academia posts at Oxford and RMIT, and is a Research Associate at the Information Law & Policy Centre (University of London) and Associate Investigator at the Centre for the Digital Child (Deakin, Australia).

Katja Koren Ošljak

Katja Koren Ošljak

Slovenia lead

Katja is the founder of VSAK Institute, a not-for-profit think tank that promotes young people’s digital rights across Slovenia and central Europe. She has a strong focus on critical digital literacy, and developing a curriculum that works for children in the digital age. She is also a research and PhD candidate with the Faculty of Social Studies, University of Ljubljana.

Kadian Camacho

Kadian Camacho

Antigua and Barbuda lead

Kadian is a research associate in the Department of Education, University Of West Indies, Saint John’s campus. She also holds a central role within the Research Unit of the Ministry of Education, Government of Antigua and Barbuda. Working between academic research and Government, Kadian informs evidence based policy and practices, with a focus on the digitisation of Antiguan and Barbudan education systems and an interest in the role of privacy within the process.

Jun Zhao

Jun Zhao

Project advisor

Jun Zhao is a senior research fellow at the University of Oxford, Department of Computer Science. Her research focuses on investigating the impact of algorithm-based decision makings upon our everyday life, especially for families and young children. For this, she takes a human-centric approach, focusing on understanding real users’ needs, to design technologies that can make a real impact.

Geneveive Smith-Nunes

Geneveive Smith-Nunes

UK lead

Genevieve is the founder of ReadySaltedCode, an organisation providing innovative digital computing STEAM-focussed education. The organisation provides workshops and training and produces DataDrivenDance performances: large scale technology-enhanced classical ballet performances designed to highlight, engage and encourage people to love computing. DataDrivenDance looks to explore the ethical and social justice implications of future technologies, including biometrics and XR, and aims to reimagine how we could potentially deliver a creative computing education. She is also a 3rd-year Ph.D. candidate at the University of Cambridge and a lecturer at the University of Roehampton.